
Estimated delivery date

The estimated delivery date gives you an indication of how long it will take to receive the item. It's based on the seller's dispatch time, the postage service selected and when the seller receives cleared payment. In certain cases, the estimated delivery date will vary.

Working days

The estimated delivery is given in working days (normal weekdays). Dispatch times don't include Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays. Transit times don't include major holidays and Sundays, but may include Saturdays, depending on the delivery service provider. For example, transit times for Royal Mail services include Monday to Saturday (exception: Royal Mail Special Delivery services include Monday to Friday with an additional charge for Saturday delivery).

Dispatch time

Sellers are required to specify how long they will take to package and post the item after receiving cleared payment. Sellers may select a dispatch time between same-day and 30 working days.

Delivery services

Some delivery services provide an estimate for the number of working days that it will take to deliver the item to the buyer. This transit time does not include the seller's dispatch time.

Cleared payment

A payment is considered 'cleared' after your payment has been deposited into the seller's account. If you pay using PayPal, the payment may clear immediately. However, if you pay by cheque or money order, your payment may take several days to clear.


   Trusted Delivery Courier Company, a well known company in the areas of international and domestic couriers started itself way back in the year 2000 with a vision to offer complete logistic and courier services to corporate and many other business establishments in various fields of business and all type of segments.

We believe that in the world of today's business every second counts and cost money. Understanding this we have strived to maintain our service standards to best of service benchmarks of today's times. In a short business span of 8 years we have tied up with many corporate and semi – corporate Co. for their Domestic & overseas courier requirements. 

We have a corporate vision to be recognized among the best of logistic and courier companies of the time. By this we mean to uphold the expectations in areas of service that our valued customers hold from us and better it every time.

We would like to associate ourselves as providing services in all areas related to logistics. We are currently offering domestic and international services to our corporate clients. We deal in services of documents as well as parcels. We also offer specialized services in commodities like chemicals, bulk medicine, liquid and machine components.

  We offer :
100% confirmation of delivery for international shipments.
For domestic shipments POD (Proof of Delivery) will be available on request.
Rates of bulk loads will be negotiable.
Website Tracking.
24 Hours service, seven days a week.
Nationwide/Global coverage.
We know how to offer good service because if we don't somebody else will.

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